By: Albin Guinto, Pinoy Netters Club 102 Founding Chairman
Are we all fully aware that it is now our club's 8th year anniversary? How time flies! As we are all busy with our club's activities,coupled with the pressures of work, we tend to forget keeping tab of time. I, for one, couldn't believe it. Everything seems just yesterday! It is impossible to condense the eight years worth of fun, charities and fond memories to fit on these pages. Indeed, each one's experiences in PNC's tournaments are worth mentioning! Who could ever forget the first Pinoy Netters Doubles Challenge played during the chilly months of January - March 2003, the unprecedented meetings done during the early formation of the club. The brainstorming of officers for the sole purpose of establishing the club's constitution and by-laws. How about the charity projects? Would you not feel so proud and elated by the mere thought that our club has been helping the less fortunate since its inception.
Transcending camarederie, the experiences in every tournaments, the fun and excitements at the club's activities, there lies personal/group empowerment that leads every club members to the gateway of service to humankind. PNC102 is not just a tennis club. It helps us all to realize our own potentials as a person. It also gives us the courage to motivate one another and provides empowerment to serving others.
Now that PNC has more than a hundred members, please join me in embracing the club's mission and vision. Always remember that being a PNC member means more than just simply participating in club's tournaments. Everyone joined Pinoy Netters voluntarily! As such, everyone is encourage to make a firm commitment to the club, its mission and vision and to fellow members as well. Without your support, dedication, and conviction in assuring the continuous progress of PNC102, we cannot realize our overall mission...simply because all about YOU.