A day to recall for Pinoy Netters
Last September 30, Pinoy Netters' tennisters had their outing at the city's outskirt. Many PNC tennis-playing members were there including new ones, Angel Aniag, presently the prexy of Bankers Tennis Club, and his colleague, Edgar Estoesta. Newcomer Jericho Puno was also there.
The event was intended not only to recognize the day the tennis clique was established two years ago but also to give credence to the three tennisters who were about to leave for various reasons and destinations.
The first to depart for RP for good was Jess Hermano, a PNC BOD. Sarge Gumapac PNC's President, also attended so with Lori Adalim, an avid tennis-playing member. The two are about to leave for Dubai and the reasons were all work-related.
In all, the event was a success, judging from the happy faces of those who participated in. There were fun games for members, one of which was an obstacle hurdle where participating tennisters were fooled to go through five barriers which were actually removed before the blind-folded participants started with the game. Imagine you have to jump, crawl and step over those hurdles which were really not there!!!Part of camaraderie hu!!!Funny but enjoyable.
Although I did not finish the event due to a prior commitment, I went home with gladness in my heart. The tennis clique is ONE and UNITED not only in tournaments but also in other aspects. It's indeed a manifestation of closeness, solidarity and brotherhood Pinoy Netters' tennisters displayed. This was just the beginning of good cooperation among PNCtennis-playing members.